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Partner ships


Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Ministry of Interior
Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
Ministry of Labour
Ministry of Education
The Thai Red Cross Society

Memorandum of Understanding for Interagency Collaboration to Strengthen Epidemiological Capacity for Surveillance and Investigation of Emerging Infectious Diseases and Occupational Diseases of One Health Network which is agreement of 7 Thai ministries (Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Public Health) and Thai Red Cross.

Operational Activities Work Plan 2020

Sandia National Laboratories

Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) Global Chemical and Biological Security and Thailand One Health University Network (THOHUN) Concerning Mutually Established Goals in Support of The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP) Particularly, Thailand and its neighboring countries are relatively high-risk region for EIDs, including zoonosis arising from the interaction among humans, animals and ecosystems. BRM is a fundamental to the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) and is a crucial role/subject for individuals and institutions engaged in the field of Public Health and Veterinary Medicine. In order to protect human and animals from those of pathogen exposures, it need to provide some guidance to practitioners on practices, procedures and policies (3P) to minimize those risks in disease transmission and releasing of bio-materials from laboratories and animal facilities. In January 27, 2020 Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) together with Sandia National Laboratory (SNL) rendered 1-day Biorisk Awareness Workshop for the deans of THOHUN university members. The dean engagement is to explain them on the importance of biosafety and biosecurity and integration of BRM curricula into the One Health education system in Thailand university to strengthen the working of future young Thai scientists in the fields of human and animal infectious disease control and also to manage the effective skills in Biorisks associated with emergence or re-emergence of zoonosis. The next step of workshop in May 2020 is to introduce BRM concepts to the academic professors who would develop and design BRM courses or modules for future Thai One Health Workforce students. The workshop will conduct a 5-day training for up to 30 educators from THOHUN on BRM curriculum development

Pfizer (Thailand) Ltd.,


Pfizer (Thailand) Ltd. has established in 1958 and grown side by side with the Thai society under the leadership of Selim Sezgin, a country manager. Pfizer (Thailand) works on strengthening the partnerships with public and private organizations as well as doctors and healthcare providers; and also with Thailand One Health University Network (THOHUN) in 2019 to cooperate to be a partnership driving toward AMR challenges for Thailand and the region.