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Course Description

Intermediate Level - International Short Course on Ecosystem Health THOHUN-Environmental Literacy Institute

E-learning hybrid with real application and hand-on practicing with THOHUN-Toolbox kit at home with interactive coaching with facilitators via virtual classrooms to prepare One Health and Global Health Practitioners who are equipped with comprehensive knowledge and discipline-based skills and trans-disciplinary skills-Communication & Informatics, Leadership and Systems Thinking, Collaboration & Partnership, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

What learners know and are able to do after the participation

  1. Strong understanding of the complexity of the environment, domestic and wild animal, and human connections and health issues
  2. Demonstrate Systems Thinking in health-risk assessment, laboratory detection skills of infectious disease or public health problems and analytical skills.
  3. Develop appropriate risk communication and intervention for a community using One Health approach.
  4. Apply Information Technology for remote health education and community engagement.
  5. Collaboratively work with multi-disciplinary experts and stakeholders


  1. E-learning on human, animal and environmental health issues and diseases; Fundamentals of infectious disease detection and risk analysis; Operations of tools, One Health concept; Principles of community outreach, risk communication and social innovation.
  2. Content Areas
    • One Health issues: Infectious diseases in animals; Environmental change and health effects; Antimicrobial resistance; Human-wildlife conflict
    • Tools and Techniques: Sample collection & detecting of medically important organisms;
      Application of Geographic Information Systems and data analysis; Water quality assessment; Risk analysis for food safety; Virtual community engagement; Participatory and community approaching techniques
    • Fundamentals of One Health approach and intervention: Participatory Epidemiology and Community approach; Risk communication; Social innovation
  3. Two weeks of real application and hand-on practicing with THOHUN-Toolbox kit at home, team based and capstone-based project with interactive coaching of facilitators via semi-interactive classrooms. Application of discipline-based knowledge to develop social innovative solution to address One Health problems of a studied community. Application of IT for risk communication and community engagement virtually.

Course Timimg

E-Learning on April 1-14, 2023
Virtual classroom on April 17 – May 3, 2023

Participation channels & cost

THOHUN member: 400 USD
THOHUN-partners: 450 USD
Non-member: full rate 500 USD 

Scholarships are available via a competitive selection criterion.

Applicants are required to make a deposit payment of 50% of course registration fee upon admission to the course. The rest of the tuition fee will be due by the first day of course. We accept credit card, cash and money transfer. Course fee is non-refundable, when the application is confirmed


Undergraduate (third year or higher) and graduate students or health practitioners or from government and private sectors. A wide array of academic background such as medicine, public health, veterinary medicine, other health sciences, life sciences, agriculture, environmental resources, wildlife conservation, education, engineering, humanity and social sciences and economy is eligible for course participation.

English proficiency in both writing and speaking is required for the course participation.

Fee Timeline

Applicants are required to pay a 50% deposit upon admission to the course. The normal period is around the beginning of April. The remaining tuition fees are due by April 7, 2023. Course fees are non-refundable. We accept cash and money transfers. Full details of payment methods will be communicated upon acceptance of the course. 

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